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Thoughts from a Missionary Wife

I get asked a lot about what it's like holding down the fort when Kyle is on a trip or people comment that they don't know how I do it. 

I'm not gonna lie, often the days are long, and more nights than not, at least one of the scouts is up with bad dreams or needing snuggles. My conversations with the kids revolve mainly around how many more days till Daddy is home. Sometimes I'm quick to feel defeated in this role. When I get overwhelmed I doubt if I'm holding it all together well enough. But as I sit snuggling babies, I'm reminded that the prayer I've prayed for my man while he's gone is just as applicable in my part of our family calling too.... "the one who calls you is faithful and HE WILL DO IT"(1 Thess 5:24). My role as a mom isn't held together by my hands, it's HIS. Even when my teammate is on the other side of the world. Especially then. Friends, let's not underestimate the role(s) he has called us to and let's not ever forget that it is His faithful hands holding it all together.

As Christians, the role he has called each of us to is to "GO" but sometimes that can look different for different people. Sometimes your role in the "GO" means parenting solo so your teammate can GO. Sometimes it means sacrificially giving so others can GO. It might mean sending other resources. And yes, sometimes the GO is your own two feet walking off a plane in another country. Sometimes our GO is right next door to us, or on the playground down the street. Sometimes it's a phone call or a text or an email. ALL THE TIME it is offering our lives to the Lord over and over and over for whatever that may look like. 

So really, being a "Missionary Wife" is no different than being a "Missionary". The same term applies to you, Believer. Our tasks may look different, but the mission remains the same:

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." 
Matthew 28:19

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